The Sarnia Bluewater
Chordsmen is an all male
acappella singing group
located in Sarnia, Ontario,
Canada. We are the Sarnia
Chapter of the International
Barbershop Harmony Society,
the largest choral society
in the world.
We meet every Tuesday night, from 7:00 pm to 9pm at All Saints Anglican Church’s parish hall (corner of Vidal Street and Charlotte Street in Sarnia). If you are interested in finding out more about us, attending as a guest at one of our practices, what it would take to become a member of this fine organization or book the chorus or quartets to perform, Contact David Crosbie 226-402-3060.
Hi Everyone!!!! BIG NEWS: The Bluewater Chordsmen, a 4 part a cappella harmony chorus, are inviting both MEN and WOMEN to join our Christmas chorus and continue participation into 2025. Christmas music practices begin on September 24th and we plan to have a full slate of performances throughout the weeks leading up to Christmas. We are a multi-age, multi-level singing chorus who really enjoy singing! We welcome everyone to come experience our music and sing with us. We practice Tuesday evenings 7-9pm at All Saints Anglican Church. Enter the south rear door off parking lot.
For more information please call Dave Crosbie at 226-402-3060
Upcoming Bluewater Chordsmen Confirmed Public Performances:
Wednesday November 27 - Bluewater Health's "Light Up Our Hospital" event. We are singing Mainfloor in the Atrium by the Staircase and Large Christmas Tree at 6pm
Saturday November 30 - Annual Benefit Christmas Concert 1:30pm at New Horizons Community Church. Freewill offering at the door with all proceeds going to the Salvation Army Foodbank. Guest entertainers are Mike Doupe, Miranda Corless - Vocalist and pianist and the Vision Brass